Welcome to The Old is Gold Barbell Club. As we get older, our training needs change. We focus on developing safe & effective plans for Masters (35 years old and up) athletes in search of better barbell technique, strength, and overall fitness conditioning. Whether you are looking to compete or simply want to look better naked, we have the programming & technique training to help with your goals.

Come Visit!
Since we run the Barbell Club out of my garage, our hours are best effort.
Mon - Fri: 5pm - 9pm
Sat: 10am - 2pm
Sun: 10am - 4pm
Hit the Gym with Confidence.

The technique of the Barbell Snatch and Clean & Jerk are surprisingly complex. When done poorly (grip it and rip it!) they can be an absolutely awful mess. But... once you really get the movements down, when you can execute these lifts well in a consistent and efficient manner, they can be a beautiful masterpiece of strength, power, and practiced technique.
Per the USA Weightlifting federation, Olympic-style weightlifting, or officially “Weightlifting” is the style of weightlifting contested at the Olympic Games. The events of weightlifting, or “lifts”, test virtually all of the muscles in an athlete’s body (including but not limited to, the legs, the back. the shoulders, the arms, the grip and the core) - more muscles than any other single sport. And because the lifts are performed more widely than any other strength and power testing events in the world with standardized rules, with no assistive equipment, the World and Olympic Champions in the sport of Weightlifting have earned the right to the title of the strongest men and women in the world.
When we were younger and just starting out with weightlifting and general gym life, the weights moved easily, our joints were fluid, and our bodies were adaptable - and recovered so much more quickly!
As we get older, we definitely require more rest. Lifetime PR/PB (personal record / personal best) numbers need to be re-evaluated and we cannot have "Al Bundy syndrome" - always reflecting back to the good old days. Maybe you could snatch 100kg at 25 years of age. Maybe you can do that still at 45, but perhaps, setting personal goals - rather than personal bests - is your path.
We will work with you to help understand your goals, your fitness routine, how much time you HAVE for the pursuit of weight training. Our goal is to help you love the sport of weightliting for a LIFETIME.

Are you ready to train? Contact us (on the form) to setup time to chat. We would love to have you drop by and toss around a few barbells with us! #OldIsGold #moreplatesmoreaches
Manalapan, NJ